After a quick scramble to find somewhere to stay in Los Angeles, we received a generous invite from Perry's friend Sabrina–there would be plenty of space, and even a trampoline!
"Plenty of space" turned out to be a severe understatement —as we followed the iPhone's blue dot into the winding and clogged streets of LA, the houses became bigger, the gates taller, finally landing us—dusty and bedraggled—outside of a Spanish-style mansion in the heart of Los Feliz. Not only was there a trampoline, but it was actually IN the living room. High arched ceilings greeted us as we descended the curved, tiled and turquoise-banistered staircase to the main floor. Doors with breezy linens were flung open to a palm-lined pool and perfectly manicured lawn. Immediate trampolining ensued.
A production schedule on the wall revealed that the hospitable Sabrina was staying in this house with her brother Akiva Goldsman (the award-winning writer of A Beautiful Mind), and directors Henry Joost and Ariel Schulman. They were nearing the wrap of filming Paranormal Activity 3, and the house had the pristine, unlived-in feel of those who work too much to break in their surroundings.
Indented portion was originally published on September 28th, 2011 By Maggie Summers
Source: Willamette Week