The truth behind the Urban Rebounding trend that has celebrities singing its' praise and is now incorporating trampolines into many cardio workout classes throughout the country.

As we age, oxygen levels in the skin cells
decrease, resulting in a loss of elasticity and the formation of lines and wrinkles. Rebounding circulates more oxygen to tissue and increases
2. Develop the lean muscles and balance of a ballet dancer.
Rebounding encompasses gravity, acceleration, and deceleration into your workout, which elongates your muscles as if you were a ballet
3. Your back and knees will thank you.
It’s a low-impact cardio exercise that absorbs 80% of the shock. As a result it
helps strengthen your back muscles and takes the pressure off of your spine and
knees, without the strain and trauma of a hard surface workout.
4. Work out like a NASA astronaut.
A NASA study found that rebounding is 68% more efficient than running or jogging. And
rebounding proved to be the best exercise to rebuild the lost bone tissue of
astronauts whose weightless state caused them to lose 15% of their bone mass. So
rebounding can help prevent osteoporosis and reverse damage.
5. Say adios to colds and allergies.
Rebounding cleanses your lymphatic system and boosts your immunity. The result?
Colds and allergy symptoms won’t bother you as often or as much.